(Discos Enfermos Records)
In short: The real meaning of "d-beat hardcore". Perfection.
Official Description:This piece of rawpunk is an old-known masterpiece for most of you. Releases originally as a split tape back in 2014 now comes to live again as a 7? with one less song on each side. DHK from Lima (Peru) deliver 4 songs (3 own + Angry Mob cover) of pure raw and destructive D-BEAT RAWPUNK in the most extended way of bands like Destruccion, Sida, Discharge and rest of the masters of the genere. BETOE by their side with 4 own songs of pure raw and chaotic distorted D-BEAT punk at the most noisiest way of do it. Think on bands like Disclose, Shitlickers,… this split is pure raw distructive shit! New art work done by Gus, record comes in an open folder printed both sides with lyrics and also includes 2 “postcards” with the original tape .artwork