This split represents an evil portion of grindcore that will cleanse your body and your mind from unnecessary and bad thoughts. Damn, the noise content of this split completely match its cover … these vivid sounds are like a soundtrack of the riots. I think that the artist felt the same way and redistributed these emotions and mood into his artwork. The first ones to knock out all the shit from your brains will be Brazilian guys Cruel Face. After their reunion, guys got back down to business pretty fast and keep release new stuff for their listeners enjoyment. 4 new songs were recorded for this split, the first one called War Cry begins with a slow swinging rhythm, but then develops into a powerful and fierce blow to your ears, haha! These songs are strong and heavy, riffs and rhythms, everything is saturated with the spirit of the 90’s. This straightforward and insane grindcore is created just to wipe your guts out into powder!
This sound torture continues with Spaniards Disturbance Project. Their grindcore reminds me of a drilling machine from the movie “Total Recall” (1990) … a terrible and formidable mechanism which is better to stay away from. Solid, low and adorable sound, firm reefs from Gerardo. Rage and destruction, this is what the Disturbance Project is ( they are considered to be one of the best on Spanish land fpr a reason)! In conclusion, I can only say big thanks for this release, both teams did their best here.