VA - Syumatsusyorijo comp LP

Your Price: $30.00
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Part Number:6831
(P-Vine Records)

Official Description:
The long-awaited first analogue reissue of the legendary noise compilation album 'Doomsday Processing Plant', released in 1980 on Unbalance Records, which was headed by the late Naoto Hayashi of INU - Auschwitz!

This album features three bands active in the Kansai underground scene at the time, which is referred to as so-called noise and industrial. The album was released two years before the famous "Hijo-kaidan" album "Zouroku no kibyou" (1982), so it is regarded as their first album. "NG" is a masterpiece of sound-making, with a heavy industrial sound overshadowed by a dark song - a truly apt description of the darkness. "Jurajum" is a unique fusion of psychedelic and electronic noise. Both are highly regarded as the earliest industrial sounds from Japan, and it is no exaggeration to say that they laid the foundations for the later spread of Japanoise to the rest of the world. Finally reissued in analogue form for the first time in over 40 years!

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