A veteran of the domestic NOISE GRIND who has been active since the 00s, "meat slave". While following the genealogy of NOISE GRIND such as AxCx and 7MINUTES OF NAUSEA, there are many sensational live performances that seem to be conscious of HANATARASH.THE GEROGERIGEGEGEGE, His first solo 2nd CD in 8 years, which has made his existence known by splitting releases with sudden and ultra-limited self-produced sound sources and powerful bands in Japan and overseas.
An explosive frenzy roaring work that directly sets out excessive impulsivity, as if the hatred and hatred of society and power, which has been shown as a consistent expression of emotions in recent live performances and sound sources, is exploded using the form of NOISE GRIND! (From Label Info)
Although it is uncredited, the members are Vo. Okada, Ba/Dr. Napalm Death Is Dead, and Noise.shikaku are recorded by a four-member group.