Karpatos - Dead Punk Niebla Densa LP

Your Price: $12.00
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Part Number:444
(Discos Enfermos Records)

Official Description:
From Bilbao ... young and new blood. These 4 guys debut with a 12" full of eskizophrenia, agony and maximum urgency. Sound that recapitulates the hardcore mixing it with the current sound coming mainly from United States. HOAXs hardcore, CRAZY SPIRITs mutant punk, GAS RAGs urgency and HANK WOOD AND THE HAMMERHEADS drums and percussive sound explode in your face with totally insane guitar riffs, low-stalked and marked bass lines, cardiac drums and percussion and a sick and hysterical voice spitting. All this wrapped in a dark atmosphere and without any prejudice to include ambient/noise sounds to make even more SICK this record. Cover in line with the concept of the band and A3 insert with art and lyrics of the band.

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