(Grindfather Productions)
Official Description:
Disrotted are one of the best slow band in the world right now. They bring back memories of Corrupted. No groove. No melody. No comfort. Only darkness. Despair. Discomfort. Just grinding heaviness that slowly rolls over you and flattens you like an industrial steamroller. You can't breathe with all this weight on your eardrums, crushing your head into a sliver. One 30 minute song of blissful torment. Su19b are a band that plays an inverted sense of power violence....whereas most bands go fast/slow/fast, Su19b had the fucking genius idea of going slow/fast/slow....and the results are remarkable and never cease to be exciting. Brutal heaviness builds the tension with only brief moments of blast beating release. "Like sharks swimming in a pool, just waiting for the moment", so says the great artist Adam Jennings.